General Manager, Anitec-Assinform (Italy)
Eleonora Faina is the General Manager of Anitec-Assinform, the Italian ICT association. She holds a degree in political science and has a Master in Antitrust and market regulation. For over 15 years she has been dealing with public policies and institutional affairs for trade associations and companies in regulated sectors, in Italy and in Brussels.
In her professional career she has gained solid experience in advocacy and lobbying, working closely with institutions at all levels (Parliament, Government, regulatory authorities, local authorities). In addition, thanks to over 9 years in the Confindustria system (2008-2017), she has acquired specific skills in policy making, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, public procurement, industrial policies and digitalization. Until July 2019 she was Senior Manager Institutional Affairs at Italiana petroli S.p.A. and from August 2019 she was Head of Industrial Policies of FederlegnoArredo.
As a member of the Expert Stakeholder Group in PILLARS Eleonora aims to bring the voice of digital companies and to contribute also to understand which digital skills will be needed in the next years, contributing to define action, policy instruments to face forward looking changing needs in the market.